Panning for gold an opportunity to reframe your own narrative.

To rewrite the rules of your life.

To be ‘un-ordinary’, a ‘rare breed’.

To show all that you bring to the table.

To own, share and celebrate all that you are.

My story

When I separated from my husband after 30 years together I was acutely aware that I was in my 50s with a resume full of holes. I’d been the one to take on the primary carer role for our children and had abandoned my fledgling career in marketing and PR. I had no personal pension and no regular income. I had just enough money to buy a small home – so for that I was extremely grateful – but I desperately needed to start earning money to pay for my day-to-day expenses and build a pension.

But when I started to write my CV I was full of doubt and insecurity. All I could see was a list of short-term contracts and part-time jobs in a range of different roles. It seemed such a mishmash – who on earth would want to employ me? What did I really have to offer?

I felt overwhelmed and hopeless which was the exact opposite of what I wanted to feel. I wanted to feel excited to be embarking on this next phase of my life. I wanted to feel like the best was yet to come. And a stubborn part of me knew that I had something worthwhile to offer future employers, if I could just articulate it properly.

Over several months I pulled myself out of my dark hole by reading numerous self-help books, attending workshops, personal development retreats and working for a short time with a coach. I began examining all the tiny pieces of my life and seeing how they fit together to make a unique and rather beautiful whole.

I discovered that instead of glossing over my fragmented, unconventional career and life experiences, I should instead own all the elements and experiences that are actually tiny pieces of gold, each contributing to the one-off offering that is me.

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I’ve been a marketeer, a PR bod and copywriter, a mother, an interior designer, an amateur property developer and project manager, a bid advisor, a brand consultant and discovery agent, a voracious reader and lifelong learner.

And I discovered that all these experiences have some common denominators: curiosity, creativity, making connections, spotting opportunities and creating the new, the beautiful and the compelling.

And I also understood that I’m at my best in observing and listening – looking for the gaps – spotting the unseen and the unheard. I realised that there is gold to be found in the gaps, the overlooked and the unnoticed.

And now I want to help you do the same.

What is Panning for Gold?

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It’s an intimate conversational deep dive into all that you are and have done so far in your life.

You and I, one-to-one.

In a series of six sessions held over 8 weeks we will draw to light all the tiny pieces of gold that make up your unique offering.

We’ll review your life so far to get a broad overview and context. Over the subsequent sessions, we will continue to unpack all that you have done, all you imagined you’d do and explore what lights you up. I will often give you prompt questions to consider and journal on in the intervening weeks. This self-reflection is an important and powerful part of the process.

When we meet each week we will review your observations and layer them against the information gathered in previous weeks to build strong insights into what motivates you, inspires you and get clear about all that you have to offer.

The final two sessions are a fortnight apart as we move into taking key action steps such as reviewing your CV, LinkedIn profile, and your website if you have one.

What it is not

If you are looking for a paint-by-numbers, ‘tick and flick’ formulaic process, this is not for you.

If you are looking for a set of 5 or 10 pre-determined deliverables, this is not for you.

If you are looking for someone to give you all the answers, this is not for you.

The central premise of Panning for Gold is that you already have all the answers you need. After all, no one knows you better than you. My job is to guide you in your own discovery process. In return you must be willing to dig deep, to see all that you have been, all that you are and all that you would like to be.

What can I expect?

Panning for Gold has two elements:

Part 1: six one-to-one sessions:

Session 1

The Story of Your Life So Far

A 90-minute session to give a full overview of your life: your dreams, your highs and lows, and more

Session 2

Flow state

This week we will focus on uncovering the things that you may dismiss as having inherent value because they come so easily to you

Session 3

Authentically you

This week we’ll consider when you feel your most authentic self and ask what really lights you up

Session 4

Audacious goals

This is a week of getting playful, visionary – if you were to envisage your ideal life what would it look like?

Session 5

Telling your story

This session is about digging in to the way you will now tell your story and own all that you are. We will also discuss how you’ll write your resume – agreeing on key themes and strategy


Getting clear

You will rewrite your resume, website, and Linkedin based to our discussed themes, and I will provide feedback and guidance by email

Session 6

Wrap up and review

We will go back over your goals and your discoveries from this process to ensure you’re ready to step out into the world and own your value

Part 2: a two-hour group call once a week where you can share your stories, concerns & triumphs with others going through the program

Your investment

The cost of the program is AU$2,000.


"I've had the great joy and honour to be in several group environments and to see Heidi working her magic. She sits there quietly observing, then shares her observations which are intriguing and compelling as she speaks to what has not been seen or spoken. It's like she has this inner intuitive power of sight and once shared allows the listener to see what had previously been invisible to them and inspire new vision that is dripping in authenticity and freedom.

Another way of describing Heidi is that she is an interior architect of our soul's journey and what had previously been held in judgment, confusion, fear and doubt transforms into gold. I have seen many people take this gold and create great traction in their lives where that was none existent or slow and inconsistent. Heidi is one in a billion." - Gisele Gambi

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Heidi is an inspiring and insightful lady. I have had a pleasure working with Heidi for a few months now and I can tell you that this is a lady who is not scared to 'poke the bear'. She will not make a decisions for you yet gently guides you to your own knowing. 'Wisdom' is her middle name. She coaches from a place of full presence and non judgement and responds from her wisdom. - Debbie Radosavljevic

"I would encourage anyone who feels directionless or maybe even overwhelmed at the prospect of how to move forward in their life, to reach out to Heidi. From the moment I met Heidi I was struck by a number of things about her. The first was her gentleness and stillness. However, I realised very quickly that within this also lies a woman who is quietly powerful. Heidi has the most amazing talent of being a wonderful listener, but more than just that – she has one of the strongest intuitive gifts I have ever had the opportunity to witness.

I have witnessed so many pearls of wisdom fall from her lips that have literally left me speechless. How she can by simply listening to someone, be able to see through the veils of what they are saying to the core truth underneath their words, and provide them with wonderful insights that they had not been able to see or know about themselves.

I couldn’t think of anyone more that I would want to walk beside me and be my guide through this next stage of my life to help me see the wonderful possibilities that already reside in me." - Suzie de Jonge

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“I cannot think of anyone more suited to offer this service,

advice and help than Heidi. With her calm manner and vast experience she is perfect for this.” - Jo Milbourn

My promise

If you are willing to show up fully and do the work, I promise that at the end of our time together you will...

have a deeper relationship with all the parts of yourself that you

may have glossed over, forgotten about, minimized or dismissed

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have a clear understanding of how they contribute to a distinctive

offering which is powerful

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Gold Metallic Circle Brushtroke

have an updated and compelling CV and LinkedIn profile

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feel stronger and more confident about your worth

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be able to approach the next phase of your life fully resourced to live

your best life

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And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

T.S. Eliot

Contact Us

To secure a spot in the next Panning for Gold cohort, please enter your details in this form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

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